Commissioning Art

Create Wonderful Memories

Is there something, someone or somewhere that is close to your heart?

Every great piece of art begins with a great idea……

Would you love to represent the subject as a piece of art that is personal to you?

Commissioning Art: A Guide to Creating Personalized Masterpieces

Commissioning art is a unique and rewarding experience. It allows you to bring a personal vision to life through the creativity and skill of an artist. Whether you’re looking to commemorate a special occasion, decorate your home, or give a meaningful gift, commissioning art can result in a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that holds personal significance.

Understanding the Commissioning Process

Commissioning art involves hiring an artist to create a piece specifically for you. This process typically includes several key steps:

  1. Conceptualization: Begin by defining your vision for the artwork. Consider the subject, style, size, and medium you desire. Think about what you want the piece to convey and any specific elements you want included.
  2. Finding the Right Artist: Research artists whose style aligns with your vision. Look for portfolios online, visit galleries, or attend art shows. Once you’ve identified potential artists, reach out to them to discuss your project and gauge their interest.
  3. Initial Consultation: Arrange a meeting or call with the artist to discuss your ideas in detail. Be open about your expectations, budget, and timeline. This is also an opportunity to learn about the artist’s process and establish a rapport.
  4. Agreement and Contract: Once you’ve agreed on the project details, formalize the arrangement with a contract. This should outline the scope of work, payment terms, deadlines, and any other important conditions.
  5. Creation and Feedback: The artist will begin working on the piece, often providing updates and seeking feedback along the way. This collaborative process ensures the final artwork aligns with your vision.
  6. Completion and Delivery: Once the artwork is complete, the artist will present it to you. Depending on the agreement, you may have the opportunity to request minor adjustments. After final approval, the artwork is delivered to you.
Together forever

Tips for a Successful Commission

To ensure a positive experience when commissioning art, consider the following tips:

  • Communicate Clearly: Be clear and specific about your vision, preferences, and expectations. Provide reference images or sketches if possible to help the artist understand your ideas.
  • Be Open to the Artist’s Input: While it’s important to convey your vision, be open to the artist’s creative input and expertise. They may offer valuable suggestions that enhance the final piece.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that creating art takes time and that the artist may need flexibility with deadlines. Discuss timelines upfront and be patient with the process.
  • Respect the Artist’s Style: Choose an artist whose style you admire and trust them to interpret your vision in their unique way. Avoid micromanaging the creative process.
  • Maintain a Positive Relationship: Establishing a good rapport with the artist can lead to a more enjoyable experience and potentially future collaborations.

What my clients say

“The commissioned artwork depicts elements of my life’s journey past, present and future beautifully using deep bold colours and abstract themes which somehow speak to me about my God-given purpose individuality, creatively and character on a daily. Truly one of a kind..”

Karina Immanuel

If you are interested, I would be delighted to discuss the idea with you. Fill in your details with a brief message on the theme and I will personally contact you. If you would like to talk by phone, please leave your contact number.